Sunday, May 21, 2006

Mordor Song Contest

Yesterday Europe was united in front of the TV-screens for the yearly Eurovision Song Contest. In Norway we have a saying that this is the competition everybody loves to hate. I haven't been a big fan of this competition for the last years, but Saturday I was one of the millions in front of a TV - and surprise, surprise: It was fun! Some of the songs were even good! During the show it felt like the Lord of the Rings was on display. Norway's entry was with an angelic girl with three co-musicians, all female singing an elf-song - it was right out of Rivendell. Then Finland entered the stage with the orcs from Mordor singing Hard Rock Hallelujah. Here the comparison with the Lord of the Rings ends: In this competition the orcs won, and millions of Europeans voted for Lordi from Finland which became the winner of it all.

I was back in the town I grew up this weekend, and my mother was really upset about Europeans voting for this band. She wasn't proud of being a European yesterday! The Eurovision certainly has its way to upset and challenge, even in 2006.

I was positively surprised of some songs that I actually liked. Rumania, Russia and Bosnia Herzegovina were among my favorites. Sweden had a great artist in Carola, but I didn't like the song, France had a great song, but the performance didn't rise to the challenge. In Eurovision you could hear everything this year from British Hip-Hop, to German Country-and-Western, Latvian a capella (great!) and a Lithuanian football song (terrible!). A crazy mix of everything and above them all, as the winner of the Eurovision Song Contest: The Orcs from Mordor: Lordi.

Next year in Helsinki!


Helge Årsvoll said...

Nå prøver også jeg meg på engelsk. Og jeg som fikk 3`er på gymnaset. Nå har jeg lyst til å øve. Derfor blogger jeg fra nå av på engelsk!

Grann pril, as i uses to pronounce it, was a mixed and for me a fairly chaotic show. I did like the Ireland melody, but the performance was not there.

Norwegianthinker said...

Welcome in the English blogger world...