Tuesday, May 16, 2006

It's strange to be a blogger :)

I've been a blogger for almost 1 1/2 years now and I am amazed about how it affects me. It's kind of addictive. What is it about blogging that attracts me? Well, it's a way to communicate. Even though I have family and friends there are times that I spend alone. To be able to share thoughts and experiences is nice, and through the blog I've been able to share things with friends and strangers from different parts of the globe. By looking up their blogs I've been inspired, updated on friends and even annoyed by certain postings. I hope my blog could have that effect on others as well. What's strange about being a blogger then? Well - at times you share a lot about who you are and you never know who's going to read it. It's strange, but it's exciting and fun as well. To all my blogger friends out there: WHY DO YOU BLOG? I'd love to hear your answers!


Geir Skårland said...

I blog to get all my thoughts out of my head. By blogging, It feels like I seal some of the more powerful impressions and important thoughts I come across, and it feels like sort of a catharsis, both preserving my ideas and making room for new ones.

And the possibility of sharing, of course, of having a way of saying things I know I wouldn't always have found a way to say in real conversations, but which are still important to me - and, I think, to many of the people I meet.

It's a way of keeping a journal which doesn't come with the feeling that it's just for myself and God and never will come to anything.

And it's a way of communicating as a Christian without having to shape everything to fit my role as a priest, to communicate ideas which don't necessarily fit sermons, but still are important to my faith.

Norwegianthinker said...

Thanks for your thoughts, and happy 17th of May! I'm in agreement with all your thoughts and especially with the part about communication. Not needing to filter everything but letting myself be involved in a process that is shared with others. I always enjoy reading your postings, so keep on blogging bro´!