Sunday, January 08, 2006

Scared of 2006?

It's been a week since the fireworks marked the beginning of a new year. Is 2006 going to be a good year? For the world? For Europe? For Norway? For my family and myself? We don't know much about the future do we? I've tried to imagine my life ten years from now. Perhaps it's better not to know. We don't really know if there are good things ahead do we? What if there's not peace and happiness? What if there's war, what if there's decease, pain and sorrow? Unfortunately this is the reality for millions of people around the globe. 2006 will offer pain, war, disasters, broken families and broken lives. But life goes on; Children are born, teenagers are searching for answers, people find their soul mates and experience friendships and relationships, love, abandonment, loneliness, happiness and ultimately they die. Are we to experience these things in 2006, am I?

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