Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Sad news from London

The news last week about the terrorist attack in London left me numb. I was there less than a month before the attacks and used the tube all the time. I was at all the stations that were targeted. It makes me feel sad and furious! Both London and New York are cities that belongs to the world. There are people from every nation, living there, sharing life and struggling to communicate and to live together peacefully. These kind of attacks puts fear as a central factor, and knowing that this is the goal for these people leaves me disappointed and sad about the state of humankind. I hope they will never succeed! At the same time: What if we give away all our rights for privacy and personal freedom to the government? That would not be right either - and I wonder if this is the goal of the terrorists as well. To crush democracy and personal freedom on the altar of security.

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