Monday, January 24, 2005

Nothing to say?

Have you ever had the feeling that you have nothing to say? There are so many words in this world, and after browsing a few of the blogs of the web I almost feel empty. Sometimes when I'm in a meeting at work I feel the same. I listen to others say all the right things, and my head feels blank. I love to listen and to read all the thoughts and to be challenged by all the people out there, but I start to wonder: What do I have to say? Is there anything more to say in this world or has it all been said, all been challenged and thought through. I don't know. Maybe, even probably it is so, but why then go on saying all the things that has been said? I guess the word is communication. We are all communicators in some way or another. The question is what do I communicate? I'm not shy at all, I enjoy conversations and discussions tremendously, and I do it often, but when it comes to settings where I have to say something in a big group, I go blank. That's me, and during the last couple of weeks I've had a bit of the same feelings againgst this blog. I wonder - do I have anything to say? I guess the next days and weeks will show, at least I guess I should try - even though it has been said before....

1 comment:

hopelandik said...

I fully understand. Should my thoughts only be shared when they have depth and meaning? I have often thought the same when writing in my private journal. Should I write about what I ate and what I wore, seemingly meaningless things? Sadly, the last few years my journal has only captured the wordst aspects of my life. Does that mean sadness is more meaningful than joy? When blogging, do my feelings matter to the rest of the world? Perhaps not. But I feel thankful that I have the option to write about life with the anticipation of others reading it. Perhaps I am writing for those who are not able to, or are afraid to. If one person can relate and feel part of something larger than themselves, than it is worth it.

Perhaps our words are the arms we are missing.