Wednesday, October 26, 2005

What if....

What if... Sometimes that phrase is stuck in my mind. What if... what if... what if...

In "What if" there's a strong element of wanting change, longing for a world where every child can wake up surrounded by family and friends, with enough food and material goods, without terror and war. Where every single person finds someone to love, and where the word "loneliness" is out of the vocabulary. Maybe childish dreams, but what if another world is possible?




hopelandik said...

hey old friend...
just wanted to send you my smile and let you know I was thinking about you! Pleast tell Tjodun I say hello!


Johan Jordaan said...

What if. What if human rights activists stop making out like people who appose abortion are crazy. What if liberals stop making out like conservative people that propagates abstinence are crazy youth haters removed from the “reality” where young people are thrown on top off each other by insuppressible forces of nature. What if feminists stop telling us how women can be single and raise children just as well as families can. What if gay rights movements stop telling us that gay marriages can provide a perfectly balanced home for a child with all the necessary role models?

Maybe then more children can wake up in homes with complete families.

Norwegianthinker said...

Hi Johan from South Africa :)
I'm not sure if I follow you on all points, but I appreciate your opinion and that you're taking the time to express it in my blog. At the same time: Living in a democracy gives us the right to speak our minds, so I don't share your dream of silencing all the alternative voices and I don't think "complete families" necessarily is the only solution, but I believe love is! Where there is unselfish love I believe you'll find healing and the fullness of living! That might be with a single mother, a gay couple or a "complete family". BUT, all these “institutions” might be an obstacle for living when they’re not filled with the power of unselfish love. It’s a heavy task for us all, but I do believe in a God that helps us fulfilling it.