Sunday, April 24, 2005

Being visible!

Yesterday I started my day by having hours of conversations with my wonderful house-mate. Through the conversation I found that being invisible has a lot to do with making myself invisible. Relationships are not about withdrawing, but it's about daring to show who you are. Daring to confront, discuss, forgive and to be real. We don't like being criticized, but I actually think it's important to be able to have people around that are able to confront me, challenge me and help me to be a better man. I've had some people confronting and criticizing me lately, and my answer to that has been withdrawing - I guess my answer should be the opposite - to seek towards those relationships, because that's where I grow. It does not mean to say that they are right, but knowledge about who I am and where I should go in my life comes through struggling with these questions and inviting others to participate. I guess that's where life is really worth living, and that's where I want to be: Visible, real and transparent.

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