Thursday, February 23, 2006

National pride

A lot of Norwegians are frustrated these days. Our athletes haven’t won more than two gold medals in the Winter Olympics in Turin. 2 gold medals, 8 silver medals and 8 bronze medals is not enough for the national pride I guess. Why does it affect us when athletes win or loose? I’m not the one risking my life and welfare for gold and glory. Someone else, who coincidently lives in the same country as me is doing it for me; sweating, struggling and crying while I’m in my chair complaining that they’re not doing better. I’m not that concerned though. When I was younger I was following every competition, writing all the results in a book. Not anymore. I guess nationalism isn’t as important for me as it used to be. Perhaps I’ve found other parts of my identity that is more important? I don’t know. I am reminded by a book by Benedict Anderson called “Imagined communities” where he talks about nationalism as created, and not something “natural”. Events like the Olympics or the Eurovision Song Contest are probably great tools in this respect; creating national pride and a feeling that I’m a part of a community of winners. If we’re able to process the need to compete and win in events like this, and not on the battlefield, I think it’s great!

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