Thanks to a friend (Per Arne - who won two tickets) I was today able to attend the premiere of
Mission Impossible III with Tom Cruise and Philip Seymour Hoffman in the enormous Colosseum Theater here in Oslo. Some local celebrities, a lot of photographers and even some stuntmen (or members from a local bike-club :)) was present, and it was great fun. The real fun started with the movie. Wow, what a ride. It was action, action, action and more action. Within this genre I think the MI movies are among the best. The third movie was no exception. In addition to all the action it was wonderful PR for two cities: Rome and Shanghai - I wouldn't mind going to Shanghai - it's portrayed as a great city in this movie. And Rome - the eternal city - was wonderful in between all the action. Did I like the movie? Yes, it's entertaining and exciting - and that's what an action movie is all about, isn't it? Will I remember it in a couple of years or does the movie convey a message of any sort? Probably not, it's pure entertainment. No more, no less!
Action before the premiere of Mission Impossible III in Colosseum Theater in Oslo (Photo: Norwegianblogger May 2006)
I also saw this recently...what a ride! I literall hopped up onto my seat several times! Pure entertainment Hollywood style.
Please tell Per Arne I say hello
you've been linked...check out:
Thanks for the link! I like your new photo - is that in your new home?
Ren underholdning ja - herlig film!
Forøvrig linker jeg også opp bloggen din i dette øyeblikk :)
Takk for det Johannes. Trodde du hadde gjort vestlending av deg? Fortsatt på Gjøvik?
Har ikke sett filmen. Men nå har jeg og en kamerat satt av mandagskvelder til film. Så kanskje en gang i fremtiden?
Ellers var det godt å kunne sette seg med pc`en igjen. Vi har hatt gebursdager og travle dager her på Ålgård.
Mentalt sett er jeg allerede på andre sida av fjellet, men vi henger nok på Gjøvik en måned til for å avslutte våre plikter her...
thanks, the pic was taken recently at a friends house...needed it for my profile.
as for Kandinsky, I am drawn to his work because it is exciting! My heart races when I see the abstract shapes and colors. he seemed to be radical, an original in his time, which I find very interesting.
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